Fuel Efficiency Service

Hull cleaning can improve ships’ energy efficiency by up to 17% when done at dry-dock, or by up to 9% when done underwater in between dry-docking.

Ship owners need to balance the benefits and costs of hull cleaning, and choose the optimal frequency and method for their vessels. Hull cleaning can not only improve fuel efficiency, but also reduce greenhouse gas emissions, prevent invasive species from spreading, and enhance the safety and performance of the ship. It is an important measure for achieving sustainable shipping.

We calculate the excess fuel consuption due to marine fouling and optimize the CII status of your fleet by forecasting the optimal time window for the next cleaning

Ocean Eye – Our Underwater Ship Inspection team provide a professional and comprehensive dive inspection service by utilising underwater drones. Our team are experienced commercial divers and marine engineering professionals who are at Chartered Engineer level. We have managed vessels so understand your needs when it comes to diving and hull efficiencies.

If you are looking for a reliable and reputable underwater ship inspection and maintenance company, look no further than Ocean Eye Technology.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your underwater ship inspection and maintenance needs.