Offshore Inspections

Offshore underwater diving inspections are an essential service for keeping your wind farms and other offshore structures in good shape. You need to inspect your underwater components regularly, such as cables, foundations, turbines, and pipelines. But traditional inspection methods can take a lot of time, money, and risk for divers.
That’s why we have developed a cutting-edge technology that can inspect your offshore structures in a quick, secure, and cost-effective way.

Our technology uses state-of-the-art cameras and sophisticated software to take and process underwater pictures in real time. You can see the inspection live via Teams from anywhere in the world, and get a detailed and thorough report with video footage afterwards. Our technology is also easy to mobilise and can be operated from any vessel or platform.

We offer offshore underwater diving inspections for wind farms, oil and gas platforms, marine renewable energy projects, and port structures. Whether you need to check for corrosion, damage, biofouling, or structural integrity, we can help you make sure your offshore facilities are always in top condition.

If you want to know more about our service, please contact us today for a free quote and consultation. We are eager to work with you on your offshore underwater diving inspection needs.

If you are looking for a reliable and reputable underwater ship inspection and maintenance company, look no further than Ocean Eye Technology.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your underwater ship inspection and maintenance needs.